N45-12.062" W83-56.649"
Grid Square EN85ae
N8JML / KX8D - Hawks, Michigan - NE Lower Peninsula
Established 12/2/1981 -
Retired 6/4/2007 - Thank you to all!
If something doesn't work on this site, switch to Google Chrome for the
To re-size any object on this site, hold down the
CTRL key and use the Mouse WHEEL.
All MIME files are now compressed for faster
transmission - if there are problems, let me know.
N8JML / KX8D - Antennae / Station
Construction Pictures
Pictures are featured in the
recent ARRL - "Antenna
Towers for Radio Amateurs"
Incomplete at this time, but will be completed by end of summer we hope.
Pictures aren't fully complete as yet, but some are interesting.
Vertical phased array for 80/160M planned for sometime.
Project is currently about 90% completed - much work.
Site pictures will expand as time permits.
Retirement is busy!
Please Join
Michigan QSO Party - our
Old Store Pictures
Lions Clubs International
11E-2 Lions and Lioness
All are JAVA slideshow images.
By clicking on an image, various sizes are available for some.
If you wish to download, go to IMAGES and select ATSB for hightst resolution.
I'll get all slideshows converted sometime - UNEMPLOYED, but busy keeping this
place running.
11E-2 Lions Website
Legend of the Michigan Dogman
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Stuff from our place in Hawks,
MI; and Wherever
All are Java slideshow images.
By clicking on an image, various sizes are available for some.
If you wish to download, go to IMAGES and select ATSB for highest resolution.
Saint John Lutheran Church - Hillman
I'm updating slideshows for higher resolution when
chosen by pausing, selecting the image – as above:
eBay Items Offered by ComDaC
Download/Print Radio
IRA / W8IRA Link Repeater
System Map
N3FJP Logging, Contesting, Emergency
We use the full CD pdroduct
ourselves - excellent, and easy to use!!
Links of Interest
Web Site hosted by www.acd.net
N8JML (Barb)
KX8D (Duane - Durf)
QRZ - Ham Radio Database
FaceBook - no such thing
when this site started!
Data Corporation
14946 Royston Road, Hillman, MI
Previously, 1051 Main Street, St. Joseph, MI 49085
Please report any problems with this site to Duane - KX8D - thanks.
Click any below to be forwarded to their site.